
Showtime is a movie planning and ticket booking app. It helps the users create group chats, invite group members and book tickets to a movie all at one place.

This case study was done as part of the Google UX Certification course.

Key features.jpg

<aside> 💡 In case you want to take a look at the brief and beautiful Behance presentation Click on this Link.


The Challenge

Let’s say you want to watch a movie with your friends group which has 10 people in it. How do you plan this event? Usually one person has to go back & forth between texting and calling everyone to organise this simple group activity. Coordinating with a group is hard. Few might be out of town or be busy or not ok with the timing or a million other factors affecting the whole plan

I wanted to solve this common problem

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My Role

I worked on this project as the only designer. Some of the key tasks include: UX Research, Generate Ideas, Prototype, Information Architecture, Usability Testing, Visual Design and Design system.

Project Duration: March 2022- July 2022

I used design thinking process to come-up with solutions


I have Divided the case study into chunks to help you digest it easily!!